
Alpha Insights Documentation


This filter is used to alter the shipping cost of an order.

Parameter 1 is the total shipping cost, which is a floating (decimal) number, your filter must return a decimal number. The WC_Order object is also passed as an additional argument.

         * 	Filters the default shipping cost of an order (this is an expense, not the amount charged to the customer)
         * 	@param float The current shipping cost assigned to this order
         *  @param WC_Order The order object
         * 	@return float The updated shipping cost
        $shipping_cost = (float) apply_filters( 'wpd_ai_order_shipping_cost_default_value', $shipping_cost, $this->order );


The example below would filter all orders going to France to set the shipping cost (expense) to $100 in your store’s currency.

Note: Filtering this value will require a cache refresh after you have made your change.

 * 	Set the shipping cost to $100 for orders going to France
add_filter( 'wpd_ai_order_shipping_cost_default_value', 'wpd_override_shipping_costs', 10, 2 );
function wpd_override_shipping_costs( $shipping_cost, $order ) {

	// Safety Check
	if ( ! is_a($order, 'WC_Order') ) return $shipping_cost;

	// Set a shipping expense for orders shipped to frnace
	if ( $order->get_shipping_country() == 'FR' ) $shipping_cost = 100;

    // Return the value
	return $shipping_cost;


This filter will override the default settings found in Alpha Insights > General Settings.

However, if you set a value from the order edit page for a particular order, this saved value will take precedence over this filtered value.

Review the shipping cost calculation method below for how the logic is applied.

     *  Calculate shipping costs for order
    private function calculate_shipping_costs() {

        // Default Options
        $shipping_cost_multiplier_order_revenue 	= (float) wpd_divide( $this->cost_defaults['default_shipping_cost_percent'], 100 );
        $shipping_cost_multiplier_shipping_charged 	= (float) wpd_divide( $this->cost_defaults['default_shipping_cost_percent_shipping_charged'], 100 );
        $shipping_cost_fee 							= (float) $this->cost_defaults['default_shipping_cost_fee'];

        // Calculate Default Value
        $order_revenue_multiplier                   = $this->results['total_order_revenue'] * $shipping_cost_multiplier_order_revenue;
        $shipping_charge_multiplier                 = $this->results['total_shipping_charged'] * $shipping_cost_multiplier_shipping_charged;
        $shipping_cost 					            = $order_revenue_multiplier + $shipping_charge_multiplier + $shipping_cost_fee;

         * 	Filters the default shipping cost of an order (this is an expense, not the amount charged to the customer)
         * 	@param float The current shipping cost assigned to this order
         *  @param WC_Order The order object
         * 	@return float The updated shipping cost
        $shipping_cost = (float) apply_filters( 'wpd_ai_order_shipping_cost_default_value', $shipping_cost, $this->order );

        // Use saved value if set
        $meta_shipping_cost = $this->order->get_meta( '_wpd_ai_total_shipping_cost' );
        if ( is_numeric($meta_shipping_cost) ) $shipping_cost = $meta_shipping_cost;

        // Store in main var
        $this->results['total_shipping_cost'] = (float) $shipping_cost;


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