
Alpha Insights Documentation


This is the main function that we use to calculate and return the profit analytics for a given order.

Parameter 1 ($order_id) will accept an order object, or a order_id which is the order we are seeking to calculate.

Parameter 2 will force a recalculation on this order and save the updated figures into the calculation cache to be called next time.

If a Refund Order Object is passed into this function, we will revert back to the refund object’s original order for the calculation.

Function Reference

 *	Calculate the profit of an order by order_id or order object.
 * 	Will return an associative array with detailed calculations for this order.
 * 	By default, will try fetch the values from our calculation cache, unless the $update_values parameter is set to true, which will refresh the cache.
 *	@param int|WC_order 	$order_id / $order			The order_id or order object
 *	@param bool 			$update_values 				(Default False) True to fore a recalculation and save the values to database
 *  @since 1.0.0
 *  @version 4.4.15
 * 	@return array Wil return an associative array for of the calculation values saved for this order
function wpd_calculate_cost_profit_by_order( $order_id = null, $update_values = false ) 

The Return Values From This Function

This is the current data that is returned by the calculation function, this often changes so it’s best to debug the results from the function to see what data is available.
						$results = array(

		// ID
		'order_id' 								=> $order_id,

		// Main Calculations
		'total_order_revenue_inc_tax_and_refunds' => $order_revenue + $refund_amount, // Including Tax
		'total_order_revenue' 					=> $order_revenue, // Including Tax
		'total_order_revenue_excluding_tax' 	=> $order_revenue - $order_tax,
		'total_order_cost' 						=> $total_order_cost, // Does not include tax
		'total_order_tax' 						=> $order_tax, // All tax paid on this order
		'total_order_profit'					=> $total_order_profit, // Total order revenue, minus order costs & tax
		'total_order_margin' 					=> $total_order_margin, // The bottomline profit compared to total revenue
		'total_shipping_charged' 				=> $shipping_total, // Contributes to total order tax
		'total_shipping_cost' 					=> $meta_total_shipping_cost, // Contributes to total order tax
		'payment_gateway_cost' 					=> $meta_payment_gateway_cost, // Contributes to total order tax

		// Custom order costs
		'total_custom_order_costs' 				=> $total_custom_order_costs,
		'custom_order_cost_data' 				=> $custom_order_cost_array,

		// Product Data
		'total_product_revenue_at_rrp' 			=> $total_product_revenue_at_rrp,
		'total_product_revenue' 				=> $total_product_revenue,
		'total_product_discounts' 				=> $total_product_discounts,
		'total_product_discount_percent' 		=> wpd_calculate_percentage( $total_product_discounts, $total_product_revenue_at_rrp ),
		'total_qty_sold' 						=> $total_qty_sold,
		'total_product_profit' 					=> $total_product_profit,
		'total_skus_sold' 						=> $total_skus_sold,
		'total_product_cost' 					=> $total_product_cost,
		'total_product_custom_costs' 			=> $total_product_custom_costs,
		'product_data' 							=> $product_data,

		// Coupon Data
		'total_order_revenue_before_coupons' 	=> $total_coupon_discounts + $order_revenue,
		'total_coupon_discounts' 				=> $total_coupon_discounts,
		'total_coupon_discount_percent' 		=> wpd_calculate_percentage( $total_coupon_discounts, ( $total_coupon_discounts + $order_revenue ) ),
		'coupons_used' 							=> $coupon_data,

		// Discount Data
		'total_order_revenue_before_discounts' 	=> $total_order_revenue_before_discounts,
		'total_order_discounts' 				=> $total_order_discounts,
		'total_order_discount_percent' 			=> wpd_calculate_percentage( $total_order_discounts, $total_order_revenue_before_discounts ),

		// Order Meta
		'cache_version' 						=> WPD_AI_CACHE_UPDATE_REQUIRED_VER,
		'class_type' 							=> get_class($order),
		'created_via' 							=> $order->get_created_via(),
		'order_type' 							=> $order->get_type(),
		'order_status' 							=> $order_status,
		'date_paid' 							=> $date_paid,
		'date_created' 							=> $date_created,
		'is_paid' 								=> $is_paid,
		'order_currency' 						=> $currency_array,
		'payment_gateway' 						=> $payment_gateway,
		'landing_page_url' 						=> $landing_page_url_raw,
		'referral_source_url' 					=> $referral_source_url_raw,
		'user_agent' 							=> $user_agent_data,

		// Subscription Data
		'is_parent_subscription'				=> (int) $is_subscription_parent_order,
		'is_renewal_subscription_order' 		=> (int) $is_subscription_renewal_order,
		'parent_subscription_ids' 				=> $parent_subscription_ids,
		'renewal_subscription_ids' 				=> $renewal_subscription_ids,

		// Customer Data
		'customer_id' 							=> $customer_id,
		'user_id' 								=> $user_id,
		'is_registered_user' 					=> $is_registered_user,
		'new_returning_customer' 				=> $new_customer,
		'billing_email' 						=> $billing_email,
		'billing_phone' 						=> $billing_phone,
		'billing_first_name' 					=> $billing_first_name,
		'billing_last_name' 					=> $billing_last_name,
		'billing_country' 						=> $billing_country,
		'billing_state' 						=> $billing_state,
		'billing_postcode' 						=> $billing_postcode,
		'billing_company' 						=> $billing_company,

		// Refund Data
		'refund_order_id' 						=> $refund_order_id,
		'total_refund_amount' 					=> $refund_amount,
		'total_order_revenue_before_refunds' 	=> $order_revenue_before_refunds,
		'total_refund_quantity' 				=> $total_quantity_refunded,
		'total_refund_sku_count'				=> $refunded_sku_count,
		'full_refund' 							=> $full_refund,
		'partial_refund' 						=> $partial_refund,
		'refund_data' 							=> $refund_data,

		// Tax Data
		'tax_data' 								=> $tax_breakdown,


Example Usage

This is an example of something similar to what we use in Alpha Insights to output the values into the admin columns on the orders list.

 * 	Adds 'Profit' column content to 'Orders' page immediately after 'Total' column.
public function display_admin_order_column_data( $column, $post_id_or_order_object ) {

	if ( 'order_profit' == $column || 'order_margin' == $column || 'wpd_ai_new_vs_returning' == $column ) {

		// Get order ID
		if ( is_a($post_id_or_order_object, 'WC_Order') ) {
			$order_id = $post_id_or_order_object->get_id();
		} else {
			if ( is_numeric($post_id_or_order_object) && $post_id_or_order_object > 0 ) {
				$order_id = $post_id_or_order_object;
			} else {
				global $post;
				$order_id = $post->ID;

		// Data
		$order_data 			= wpd_calculate_cost_profit_by_order( $order_id );
		$calculated_profit 		= $order_data['total_order_profit'];
		$margin 				= $order_data['total_order_margin'];
		$new_returning 			= $order_data['new_returning_customer'];

		if ( 'order_profit' == $column ) {

			if ( empty( $calculated_profit ) ) {

				echo wpd_store_price( 0 );

			} else {

				echo wpd_store_price( $calculated_profit );


		} elseif ( 'order_margin' == $column ) {
			echo $margin . '%';

		} elseif ( 'wpd_ai_new_vs_returning' == $column ) {
			$data_tip = ($new_returning == 'new') ? 'This is the first order placed by this email address' : 'This email address has placed an order prior to this date';
			echo '<mark class="wpd-new-vs-returning-customer order-status tips customer-'.strtolower( $new_returning ).'" data-tip="'.$data_tip.'"><span>'.ucfirst( $new_returning ) .' Customer</span></mark>';



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Alpha Insights

Alpha Insights

The World's Most Advanced WooCommerce Reporting Plugin.

WooCommerce Cost Of Goods Order Profit Reports