
Alpha Insights Documentation


This filter is used to alter the default payment gateway cost for an order. This value will be overriden if you manually assign a cost on a particular order.

Parameter 1 is the total payment gateway cost, which is a floating (decimal) number, your filter must return a decimal number. The WC_Order object is also passed as an additional argument.

         * 	Filters the default payment gateway cost of an order
         * 	@param float The current payment gateway cost assigned to this order
         *  @param WC_Order The order object
         * 	@return float The updated payment gateway cost
        $payment_gateway_cost = (float) apply_filters( 'wpd_ai_order_payment_gateway_cost_default_value', $payment_gateway_cost, $this->order );


This is an example of a snippet we created for one of our clients as they had a PayPal fee being reported in a different currency to the currency that there store was in, so needed to be converted for correct cost calculations.

Note: Filtering this value will require a cache refresh after you have made your change.

					add_filter( 'wpd_ai_order_payment_gateway_cost_default_value', 'wpd_adjust_paypal_gateway_fee_multicurrency', 10, 2 );
function wpd_adjust_paypal_gateway_fee_multicurrency( $payment_gateway_cost, $order ) {
    // Safety Checks
    if ( ! function_exists( 'wpd_get_order_currency_conversion_rate' ) ) return $payment_gateway_cost;
    if ( ! function_exists( 'wpd_get_store_currency' ) ) return $payment_gateway_cost;
    if ( ! is_a($order, 'WC_Order') ) return $payment_gateway_cost;

    // Collect Variables
    $order_id = $order->get_id();
    $paypal_fee_data = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_ppcp_paypal_fees', true );

    if ( is_array($paypal_fee_data) && ! empty($paypal_fee_data) ) {
        if ( array_key_exists('paypal_fee', $paypal_fee_data) ) {
            $paypal_fee = $paypal_fee_data['paypal_fee']['value'];
            $paypal_currency_code = $paypal_fee_data['paypal_fee']['currency_code'];
            $store_currency_code = wpd_get_store_currency();
            // If it looks like we need to convert currency, lets give it a go
            if ( $store_currency_code != $paypal_currency_code ) {
                $conversion_rate = wpd_get_order_currency_conversion_rate( $order );
                $rate = $conversion_rate['exchange_rate'];
                if ( is_numeric($rate) ) {
                    return $paypal_fee * $rate;
    return $payment_gateway_cost;

This filter will override the default settings found in Alpha Insights > General Settings but will be overriden by the cost overrides in the order edit page.

If you set a value from the order edit page for a particular order, this saved value will take precedence over this filtered value.

Review the payment gateway cost calculation method below for how the logic is applied.

     *  Calculate payment gateway fees
    private function calculate_payment_gateway_fees() {

        // Default Payment Gateway Cost
        $payment_gateway_cost_multiplier 	= (float) wpd_divide( $this->cost_defaults['default_payment_cost_percent'], 100 );
        $payment_gateway_cost_fee 			= (float) $this->cost_defaults['default_payment_cost_fee'];
        $payment_gateway_cost               = ( $this->results['total_order_revenue'] * $payment_gateway_cost_multiplier ) + $payment_gateway_cost_fee;

        // Check if we have pre-defined fee keys stored in meta
        $payment_gateway_fee_meta_keys = array( '_stripe_fee', '_paypal_fee', 'PayPal Transaction Fee', 'HitPay_fees' );
        foreach( $payment_gateway_fee_meta_keys as $meta_key ) {

            // Try find stored meta value
            $stored_fee = $this->order->get_meta( $meta_key );

            if ( is_numeric($stored_fee) ) {

                $payment_gateway_cost = (float) $stored_fee;


        // Assume no gateway fees if there's no income
        if ( $this->results['total_order_revenue'] == 0 ) $payment_gateway_cost = 0;

         * 	Filters the default payment gateway cost of an order
         * 	@param float The current payment gateway cost assigned to this order
         *  @param WC_Order The order object
         * 	@return float The updated payment gateway cost
        $payment_gateway_cost = apply_filters( 'wpd_ai_order_payment_gateway_cost_default_value', $payment_gateway_cost, $this->order );

        // Saved Value
        $meta_payment_gateway_cost = $this->order->get_meta( '_wpd_ai_total_payment_gateway_cost' );
        if ( is_numeric($meta_payment_gateway_cost) ) $payment_gateway_cost = (float) $meta_payment_gateway_cost;

        // Store in main var
        $this->results['payment_gateway_cost'] = (float) $payment_gateway_cost;


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